Sunday, April 28, 2013

5-Strand Braided Bracelet

I made this bracelet today, it was quite difficult but I managed. 
Now I am going to share the tutorial with you guys!
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Directions for the Bracelet!
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  1. Measure your t-shirt. Make 5 strands that are 2 inches each.
  2. Sew your strands together and stretch out the strands so they curl at the ends.
  3. Use a clipboard or something sturdy to keep in place. Then separate 3 strands and 2 strands
  4. Grab strand 1
  5. Cross it over strand 2
  6. Grab strand 3
  7. Crossover strand 1 (it is strand 1 now because you crossed it over.)
  8. Grab strand 3 (strand 3 was crossed over strand 2)
  9. Crossover strand 1, and under strand 2
  10. Move strand 3 over to the other two strand sitting on the other side, and repeat 
 Directions for finishing bracelet!
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  1. When you are at your desired length sew the ends (no need to make a knot or anything just sew together)
  2. Cut of any extra
  3. Sew the two ends together
  4. To cover up sewing "traces", get an extra piece of your cloth and sew around the part where you sewed the two ends together.(Make sure you sew on the inside of the bracelet-so no one can see it.
  5. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Been awhile...since I have blogged!

I had a really tough weekend with my girl scout troop, we went on a hiking trip and I have not been able to do anything on my two blogs. So I thought I would catch up on things..........
{{What I have planned}}
1) Can Tab Bracelet
2) Handmade Headbands or bracelet 
Marked Out Means I and Finished With Them!

B.T.W: I have updated my blog now I have a button, the appearance is better, and everything in between! You can find this @!
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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Starburst Bracelet Improved

I improved the starburst candy wrapper bracelet! I added jump rings and a lobster clasp instead of just a pin. I though this made the bracelet look nicer in a way. It was pretty difficlut to get the jump rings into the last starburst wrapper though. I had to kinda force it through, but it worked so that was good!  Hope you like the pictures- Colbie :-D

Friday, April 5, 2013

Charm Update

I made a couple of new charms over this past week. Two doughnuts and a bear! I didn't do a tutorial on any of the new charms though :(. I think I am going to do another post on how to make a bowl of ice-cream charm (which will look so cool). I will also be doing a post on my upcoming charm bracelet!!! I hope you guys like the pictures. Thanks-Colbie
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